Simplify Your Healing

#86 Is the Goal to Be Symptom Free?

Jenny Peterson Season 4 Episode 86

Are you in a pursuit to be symptom free? I mean I get it, your chronic health symptoms are uncomfortable and are often inconvenient. And lets be real, We are programmed to believe that being symptom-free is the ultimate marker of health. 

But what if I told you that the goal isn’t to be free of all symptoms and never get them, but to learn from them? To use them as signals that guide us toward deeper understanding and healing. 

Today, we’re going to unpack this idea and explore how shifting your perspective around “getting rid” of symptoms and not wanting to have them, can make your healing experience much easier. 

Your symptoms aren’t the problem—your body is speaking to you.

Learn how to understand its messages and unlock healing.

Join Your Body Speaks today!

Thanks for listening!