Simplify Your Healing

#8 Using the Law of Attraction to Assist Your Healing


I’m sure that you have heard of the law of attraction. Or maybe you have created a vision board to attract what you want in your life. But after following all the tips and making that beautiful crafty vision board, it hasn’t done its magic. It leaves you wondering what did you do wrong?

Now I’m not a huge fan of vision boards, but I am a fan and teacher of how to use visualization and the law of attraction for healing. Why? Because it works. 

You have a powerful tool within your own mind called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) that has a role of attracting whatever you put focus on. You owe it to yourself to know how this system works and how you can use it to its fullest potential and ultimately for your healing.

Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with trying to heal. At MBR we simplify healing by focusing on one area, the subconscious mind, so your body can focus on healing, and you can get back to living.

Thanks for listening!