Simplify Your Healing

#21 What Limited Beliefs are Getting in the Way of Your Healing?

Jenny Peterson Season 1 Episode 21

I’ve tried everything! There must be something wrong with me. I simply don’t know how to heal. Sound like words that you have spoken before?  These statements are all limited beliefs. These can be powerfully helpful or powerfully dangerous when it comes to your healing. 

In the case of these 3 beliefs that I just said, they are greatly impacting your healing. If you don’t debunk them, you are setting yourself up for never getting well. 

In todays episode I will take you on a deep dive into your limited beliefs around healing. I will give you the top limiting beliefs that I hear from students, how you can identify your own and get rid of them, so you can move forward with your healing. 

Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with trying to heal. At MBR we simplify healing by focusing on one area, the subconscious mind, so your body can focus on healing, and you can get back to living.

Thanks for listening!