Simplify Your Healing

#30 6 Reasons Why Your Chronic Symptoms are Not Going Away

Jenny Peterson Season 1 Episode 30

Despite all the things you have tried,  you still have symptoms that won’t go away. 

I get it, I’ve been there. It feels like you are hitting your head up against a wall. 

After helping people with chronic symptoms for the past 3 years, I’ve been able to see a pattern of some common reasons why people aren’t getting results. 

I can guarantee that if your symptoms are not going away, either one, some or all of these reasons are playing a role. 

Once you address these 6 areas, you can be sure that your chronic symptoms will resolve. 

In today’s episode, I’m going to discuss these 6 reasons, so you can be on your way to being symptom free. 

Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with trying to heal. At MBR we simplify healing by focusing on one area, the subconscious mind, so your body can focus on healing, and you can get back to living.

Thanks for listening!